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Schoch, W. H. Prähistorische Waldwirtschaft.
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Leibundgut, H., & et al. (1976). Der Wald. 100 Jahre Eidgenössisches Forstgesetz. Schweiz Z Forstwes, 49(2), 1–56.
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Johann, E. (2007). Traditional forest management under the influence of science and technology: The story of the alpine cultural landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management, 249, 54–62.
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Ludemann, T. (2003). Arbeitsgruppe Wald – Geschichte – Anthrakologie. ZAM, 31, 188–192.
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Ludemann, T., Michiels, H. G., & Nölken, W. (2004). Spatioal patterns of past wood exploitation, natural wood supply and growth conditions: indications of natural tree species distribution by anthraological studies of charcoal-burning remains. Eur J Forest Res, 123, 283–292.
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